I have been struck down with the lurgy and have not been feeling very bloglific of late. Nevertheless - here's a sample of what we've been up to.
Aidan and I played the shadow game. One photo shows a chalk tracing of Aidan's shadow at 1.oo. An arrow demonstrates its path between 1.00 and 4.00. (For the second tracing, Aidan is holding a toy plane!). And if you look really closely, the dotted line and question mark shows Aidan's prediction for where his shadow would move next. He was very disappointed when it went in the opposite direction. "But I wanted it to go the other way!"
Isabelle has continued her quest for realism in art. The middle photo shows one of her latest works from school. She has written her name in rainbow colours - I've noticed her doing this on other pieces as well.
And finally, Darth Vader has made an appearance on the concrete outside our house. Note his authentic red light sabre and black outfit. (We saw the last part of episode six just last night). Earlier in the week, Isabelle made a Darth Vader mask out of white paper (coloured with black crayon) and shaped white paper into Storm Trooper armour.