Busy busy
This has coincided with Orla being more unsettled, both in the afternoons and during the night. Afternoons can be a long cycle of feed, change, put down, pick up, jiggle jiggle, feed, front pack, check nappy, rock rock, put down, (immediate) pick up, offer fee, front pack etc etc etc
Last night she slept well, and with the older two at Playcentre, now is my time to have a look at my list of emails and surf the net.
It was Brendon's birthday yesterday. He spent all day at work, but in the evening we had a birthday tea with his Mum and brother. The children and I made pizzas and jellies. I made some bread and a salad. Pam made a cake and Shayne made a flan. We now have a nice collection of cards on display. The children had a great evening, and eventually went to bed very tired. I am expecting long sleeps this afternoon!
Our bathroom is progressing - it will be much better than our old one, but I will be glad when all is finished. We had a small crisis with the vanity unit. It wasn't what I wanted. I checked the contract and, well, actually it was the one we agreed to buy..... However, it was not as described to us, and the bathroom people have agreed to take it out and replace with a different one (more expensive, of course, but I would rather pay extra to have a vanity with an overflow facility rather than pay more later when the inevitable flood occurs).