Father Christmas and Al Gore
Last night we started watching An Inconvenient Truth. (Yeah, yeah, a few years after everyone else, but you get that!)
Aidan was having trouble sleeping. He came and watched too, dozing on Brendon and I.
Later I asked him what he had learned:
"I learned that fire burns people and then they die".
Mmm. Anything else?
"A polar bear was swimming in the ocean and it tried to get on the little bits of ice but they melted and it went down down to the bottom of the ocean. And it might see a seal! And Father Christmas!"
Well, with all that dialogue about the North Pole, it is only natural that a sleepy four year old might get a little confused!
Aidan was having trouble sleeping. He came and watched too, dozing on Brendon and I.
Later I asked him what he had learned:
"I learned that fire burns people and then they die".
Mmm. Anything else?
"A polar bear was swimming in the ocean and it tried to get on the little bits of ice but they melted and it went down down to the bottom of the ocean. And it might see a seal! And Father Christmas!"
Well, with all that dialogue about the North Pole, it is only natural that a sleepy four year old might get a little confused!
Labels: Aidan
awwwww. Father Christmas, now he'd be worth a visit if you were falling through a melting ice cap and had nothing else to do that day. Suddenly all seems quite Alice in Wonderland-like doesn't it? The whole world seems to be quite particularly bizarre at the moment. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are names suited to Alice in Wonderland. And scenarios too.
Mmm, I'm hearing ya!
1) I am delighted to hear that you are already indoctrinating (no, Teaching) your children about the coming of climate chaos;
2) I am deligted to hear about the imminent arrival of Floyd #3; and
3) I hope that we can come and visit the whole family in February (we'll be in Wellington on the weekend after Waitangi). I still haven't met Orla, so I'm already one behind!
Clare xx
Oh Clare, hooray! We are still in the same house - just look up my surname in the internet white pages or look under Brendon's surname in the physical white pages (both names are listed but his is first).
I shall be great with child (all going well) by then. You can come and drink the beer I would otherwise be drinking in the hot Wellington summer sun. Oh, sorry, I mean the moderate Wellington summeresque sun.
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