Pox beach
Despite the pox, we returned to Oriental Bay this morning. There was hardly any wind and hardly any people. Wellington can get like this over the holiday period - almost no-one in the shops or on the roads. The fountain was on and there was the usual assortment of interesting vehicles to watch (you can just see the Interislander disappearing behind the hill in the photo). It was a lovely trip out for all.
Before we went to the beach, we fed our friend's cat, which we have been doing for a couple of days. We feed her once a day (as arranged), despite the cat being fed more often than that when the family is home. The cat is always there waiting at the door for us, looking slightly outraged (as only a cat can!) as if to say "Where have you been! I've been waiting for ages!".
We also traveled for the first time today on the newly opened part of the inner city bypass. There's only a small portion of "new" road, but it looks like it will be a very handy route for us.
Here's hoping that Aidan will be settled tonight.